Tuesday, August 30, 2005

To whomever it may concern,

I am, to put it bluntly, pissed off.

It's not that I'm pissed you chose someone else to do the website over me; after all, I'm a die-hard advocate of a meritorious society.

What I am pissed at is you chose this over me. And it took, what, 4 months to do this?!

What. Ever.


Anonymous said...

i dunno what u wld have done lai. but honestly the site as i see it..is serious fucked up. looks so primary school/playhouse like.


Anonymous said...

how to take MUISS seriously with tad sort of site sia.

SnowDemonDave said...

Don't be pissed off man. I mean, it's not like people will go to the site. It's not like anyone surfs around this thing called the "internet" anyway.

Hold on...